Singing Guide: Easy Living

Singing Guide: Easy Living

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Easy Living is a classic jazz standard that has stood the test of time, thanks in part to the magnificent interpretation by Billie Holiday. Known for her unique and soulful vocal style, Billie is a great inspiration for any aspiring singer.

In this article, we'll explore some of the techniques Billie used in her performance of Easy Living, and provide practical tips for how to incorporate them into your own singing. We'll also introduce some Singing Carrots tools and resources that can help you along the way.

Breath Control and Support

One of the key aspects of Billie Holiday's signature style is her breath control and support. When singing Easy Living, she effortlessly glides through long, sustained notes and phrases, never running out of breath or losing the richness of her tone.

To achieve this level of control, it's important to practice diaphragmatic breathing, which involves engaging the muscles in your abdomen to support your breath. Singing Carrots offers a range of breathing exercises that can help you develop this skill, such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Voice Register

Another important aspect of Billie Holiday's technique is the use of different voice registers. Easy Living showcases her use of the chest voice register, which gives her singing a warm, intimate quality.

To develop your own ability to use your chest voice register, try out Singing Carrots' Chest Voice Explained video. This will guide you through the basics of chest voice singing and provide exercises to help you practice.

Emotion and Style

Billie Holiday was a master of conveying emotion and style in her singing. She often added unique inflections and phrasing to her songs that added depth and richness to her performances.

To work on incorporating your emotions into your performance, try Singing Carrots' Relaxing Breath video. This will help you learn how to calm your nerves and relax, allowing your emotions to come through in your singing.


Billie Holiday's performance of Easy Living is a true masterpiece of vocal technique and emotion. By practicing the techniques discussed above and using the Singing Carrots tools and resources available, you can learn to sing like Billie and develop your own style and sound. So go ahead, dig in, and let's get singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.